Servicing an AED

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Automatic Enrichment Device: Servicing


Servicing of the AED unit is limited due to the precise setting operations carried out at the factory. If however adjustments are made to the unit, mark the original settings and then adjust in accordance with these instructions. The operations which can be carried out are:

(a) Ensuring security of external connections
(b) Cleaning (or replacing) inlet filter
(c) Checking cleanliness of float chamber and fuel inlet valve (or replacing)
(d) Checking and cleaning of the needle diaphragm (or replacing) and associated passages
(e) Resetting or replacing float assembly
(f) Replacing diaphragm spring
(g) Replacing float-chamber lid
(h) Replacing air entry elbow
(i) Replacing main valve diaphragm

The AED is a precision instrument and should be treated as such. High standards of cleanliness are required when working on the unit. Petrol or paraffin may be used to clean the components. Use nylon cloth, never material that is fluffy or leaves lint, when drying the components.

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